Well gohan when he was a teenager he went ssj2 pretty quickly so probably goten might go ssj2 never know surprises can happen.
in the credits of burst limit goku goes ssj2 against broly. but when you play sadly goku can not go ssj2
the first ssj2 was teen gohan in the cell saga after android 16 was killed, some people thinks its vegeta but he didnt go ssj2 until the majin buu saga
there is a goten, but not a future goten. There was no future goten because goku died. And, goten was born in 2010. Goku died in 2010 months before goten was suppost to be born. Goku and chi-chi have to f*** each other for goten to be born. Without goku, goten can not be born.
well if trunks at ultra was 130,000,000 then at ssj2 yourpowerlevel should be 200,000,000.
No, Mystic Gohan is far stronger than in his SSJ2 form.
Gohan is way stronger than goten but if they were fighting as children goten will win
yes he can become ssj2 an dhe his pwoers like gohan you see him use his hidden pwoers in bio broly witch is movie 11 and arika and toie said he can go ssj2
goten is stronger because he is goku's son goku is stroger than vegeta there for trunks is weaker.my secon reson is when goten trunks videl and gohan fought broly goten got up while trunks could only do one blast.thrid is if trunks woundint of cheated goten would of won.fourth when goten and trunks were fusing trunks started at almost his full power goten wasent.
Goten cannot defeat goku....goku can go ssj4....goten can only go ssj
see when broly faught gohan ssj2, trunks and goten SSjs he was damaged very much.So three saiyans ssj2 +ssj+ssj =ssj3 but still they can't beat him so goku came as ssj2 so the ssj2+ssj2+ssj+ssj=ssj 4=2,200,000,000.
in the credits of burst limit goku goes ssj2 against broly. but when you play sadly goku can not go ssj2
ssj2 gohon
yes trunks can go ssj2 only in budokai 1,2,3 and infinte
Yes they are but on youtube.Dragonball af is actually a mod.It's kind of fake.There is no ssj5 or gohan ssj3 or anything.Only goku and vegeta go to ssj3,gohan,trunks,and goten go to ssj2,and goku really goes to ssj4 in gt.Vegeta gets help from an machine that Bulma made to make Vegeta go ssj4.
the first ssj2 was teen gohan in the cell saga after android 16 was killed, some people thinks its vegeta but he didnt go ssj2 until the majin buu saga
Nobody sees him go ssj2-after gohan beats cell goku trains in the afterlife and surpasses ssj2 and when he fights vegeta he instantly goes ssj3.
No he can only power up to a high level. He loses all his speed and gains only strength so, technically you can say he does go ssj2 but he doesn't do it correctly