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An Xbox 360 does not really use a "memory card". It uses a hard drive which is located on the top if your Xbox is in a standing position or on the left side if you have your Xbox on its side. Although you can plug in flash drives or anything with a USB plug-in into the slots located on the bottom in the standing position and the front side to the far left in its position on the side.

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Q: Where do you put memory cards in xbox 360's?
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no they do not if you put it on your file share=yes

Is a hard drive already in a arcade xbox 360?

Well, you can't put or insert a hard drive on the xbox 360 arcade. That's what makes it different from the other types of xbox 360s. Instead, 256 mb of memory space is included when you buy one.

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Yip , memory cards don't work, however you can listen to music through a USB

Are memory cards secure?

Memory cards are relatively unsecure unless you put a password on the material.

Can you put extra memory in xbox hardrive?

Either buy a new harddrive or buy a memory card.

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It was in the game and in the memory cards you could put in the controller.

Does the Xbox 360 60 GB HDD overwrite The Xbox 360 Arcade 256mb internal memory?

Well my xbox 360 premium broke so i got an arcade and put the 20g memory from the premium into the arcade once i put it in i had both the Arcade memory and the 20g hard drive memory so i cant see why a 60g one wouldn't work.

What happens if you take the memory card out of the xbox 360?

Nothing really my cousin has an xbox 360 and he's in college but he had to leave his xbox at home and one of his roomates has one so he just took the memory card and took it with him and put it in the friends xbox

Can you put a xbox 360 elite 120 gb hard drive on a xbox 360 pro without deleting memory?

take off the elites hard drive off the back of the xbox and snap it on the other xbox

How do you put games on Xbox memory card?

You just put the game in play and it will ether save on its own or you just press start and save it

What are memory cards and how can I use them.?

Memory cards are typically small pieces of nondescript plastic, sometimes with a label for how much information it can hold. They go inside cell phones and other electronics, to hold information that the device cannot hold. Not all devices have the same type of memory card, but you should be able to tell. You can put all multimedia information on memory cards.