Go north from lumbridge (near a windmill). There should be a guy named Beefy Bill, he vends training sword & shields.
Sword: Rune 2handed sword. Shield: Rune Berserker shield 100.
A shield or a prayer book. sheild, book and 2h sword
Their are shield shops all over Runescape. You should be more specific.In North Falador near the fountain.
You can make a Blurite Sword in RuneScape as long as you are completing the quest The Knight's Sword. After you complete the quest you cannot obtain the sword again as you cannot trade the item with other players.
vestas sword, but the best weapon is chaotic maul.
Sword: Rune 2handed sword. Shield: Rune Berserker shield 100.
Just left-click both of them and you will equip both.
A shield or a prayer book. sheild, book and 2h sword
If you mean the training equipment from Lumbridge their just called training sword and shield.
saradomin shield
Antidragon shield
the second floor of runescape has a npc walking around with it talk to him he will hand you one.
Their are shield shops all over Runescape. You should be more specific.In North Falador near the fountain.
Runescape god swords are in fact for members but the closest weopan you can get to a god sword is the dragon 2h sword. the most expensive god sword is around 50 million gp.
You can make a Blurite Sword in RuneScape as long as you are completing the quest The Knight's Sword. After you complete the quest you cannot obtain the sword again as you cannot trade the item with other players.
go to varrock and buy a wodden shield and buy bronze sword and telport to lumby and kill goblins