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vestas sword, but the best weapon is chaotic maul.

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Q: What is the best sword on RuneScape?
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In runescape what is the best adamant sword?

a adamant scimitar, its fastest and best. but if you want to hit high you could use a 2-handed sword

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Sword: Rune 2handed sword. Shield: Rune Berserker shield 100.

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What is the best weapon on runescape used to train strength?

Saradomin sword or Dragon scimitar are popular.

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Sara sword ^^ i gotted one i dont know what the best item is but this is a lie you cant get sara sword on runescape to my knowlage you can only get the sara armour but it may be a members only item as i am only a free player

What is the best weapon on runescape?

saradomin sword ags d claws sgs zgs and bgs suck

What is the most coolest sword in RuneScape?

Runescape god swords are in fact for members but the closest weopan you can get to a god sword is the dragon 2h sword. the most expensive god sword is around 50 million gp.

Can you make a blurite sword in RuneScape?

You can make a Blurite Sword in RuneScape as long as you are completing the quest The Knight's Sword. After you complete the quest you cannot obtain the sword again as you cannot trade the item with other players.

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What to buy with 10mil on RuneScape?

buy a saradomin sword