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you can get the pearl necklace at the stage

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Q: Where do you get the pearl necklace on Club Penguin?
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Where can you find the Clam Necklace on Club Penguin?

at the stage

What was the first neck item in club penguin?

The dog necklace

What is the most common use clothes in club penguin?

The Black hoodie, the black and white checkered shoes, a pearl necklace and usually the type of hair you want to wear if your a boy or a girl.

Where is the detective hat in club penguin?

same place you find the time clock necklace

Is there a level the in aqua grabber on club penguin?

Yes, there is but you need to get the massive pearl

Where do you get a shark tooth necklace in club penguin?

go to the stage then when its the play 'The penguins that time forgot' then it will be on the 'caveman'

How much is the grand pearl worth in club penguin?

I thinks its 100 or 1000 duno

When was Woman with a Pearl Necklace created?

Woman with a Pearl Necklace was created in 1665.

What is a sexual pearl necklace?

When a guy cums on your neckline, it is called a Pearl Necklace.

Where do you put the grand pearl on club penguin?

In the giant net just under surface of the water.

Were can you find the clam necklace on club penguin?

go to the stage, look in the catalog, go to the 2nd page and click on the mermaid's neck.