A Club-penguin Pookie is a penguin baby. Someone long ago in club-penguin invented it and now Club-penuguin uses it.
Getting rid of pookies is easy. Join the non pookie movement or even easier go to a"mumus". Open iggy when they adopt a pookie go to the pookies room and cries and if they eat steals food and another way is adopt a pookie bring it to your house make a prison like room and a pretty room. Act like you are taking the pookie to the nice room (go in the middle) then take them to the prison say locks doors then say CLEAN! If they leave they leave the server and if they cry or stay you have a pookie slave.
Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.
Penguins hate club penguin. The creators of club penguin hate club penguin. I hate club penguin, and that's all that matters. A rough estimate....OVER 9,000!!!! people hate club penguin.
Its imposible to make your penguin flip on club penguin.
A pookie is like a baby!
Pookie means "Baby" on club penguin.You could adopt a "Pookie" in the petshop.(for free) Some people pretend to be pookies and get adopted (it's fun)
Pookie language - Hwi = Hi Wello = Hello Mumu = Mommy Normally other things you can say in a baby sort of language when you are a pookie on club penguin.
put them in an oven or freezer C:
It pookie talk.If a pookie says tum tum they mean a stomach. Simple as that.
it means its really ugly and gross!
if ur adopting a "pookie" on cp and ur a guy daddy is duhduh!
A biggy is like a big sister or brother for a pookie. A pookie is a baby found in the pet shop. When people say "FREE BIGGY" it means they want a mumu to adopt them and be the big sister/brother of a pookie.
Well You Can Start By Not Wearing Yellow And Not Talking Like A Baby Try Being any Old Penguin
Don't look after it. Pookies are retarded and annoying. Abandon it! To think they say "Wolls To Pwe-School" or "Is A Cwoot Tum Tum Pookie" is just... no. Pookies suck.
The most basic option is yellow skin and a white belt from Card-Jitsu.
well most Moms on club penguin think it makes the pookie look cuter who has the tiara. many pookies with they had it. But it will come back club penguin. tiaras always get picked because it shows richness and most people think its cute.