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Getting rid of pookies is easy. Join the non pookie movement or even easier go to a"mumus". Open iggy when they adopt a pookie go to the pookies room and cries and if they eat steals food and another way is adopt a pookie bring it to your house make a prison like room and a pretty room. Act like you are taking the pookie to the nice room (go in the middle) then take them to the prison say locks doors then say CLEAN! If they leave they leave the server and if they cry or stay you have a pookie slave.

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Q: How do you get rid of pookies in club penguin?
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What are pookies on Club Penguin?

Pookies are penguins pretending to be babies or toddlers.They are found at the petshop.

Why do pookies with tiara's always get picked on club penguin?

well most Moms on club penguin think it makes the pookie look cuter who has the tiara. many pookies with they had it. But it will come back club penguin. tiaras always get picked because it shows richness and most people think its cute.

Why is the tiara in club penguin good for pookies?

Most Moms On Club Penguin Usually Wants Tiara Pookies Because They think It Is Cute and It Shows Richness On The Pookie I Dont Have The Tiara Myself But I Wish I Did I Hope They Bring It Back

Why do all pookies that have a tiara on club penguin get picked?

Most people find tiaras cute and think that the pookies wearing them are "wittle princesses." Aside from that, its one of the only non-member items pookies can wear if they aren't members.

How do you look after a pookie on club penguin?

Don't look after it. Pookies are retarded and annoying. Abandon it! To think they say "Wolls To Pwe-School" or "Is A Cwoot Tum Tum Pookie" is just... no. Pookies suck.

What does pookie mean on club penguin?

Pookie means "Baby" on club penguin.You could adopt a "Pookie" in the petshop.(for free) Some people pretend to be pookies and get adopted (it's fun)

Can you get rid of the pookies on cp?

Sadly, you can't. Although they're retarded and annoying, you can't. Some people find pookies adorable (ew). Contact CP and help get rid of the horrid pookies!

What is a club penguin hairstyle for girls?

the most popular one is the side tied. You Can also try side tied too. Its for pookies as well as mumus. Its the most popular one on the island. Cheerleaders, Party Freaks, Mumus Pookies al love it.

How do you get rid of the arrow pointing to map on club penguin?

Go to every place on Club Penguin map

On club penguin how do you get rid of the popcorn?

You can't, sorry.

How do you get rid of items on Club Penguin?

you cant delete items on club penguin that you already bought. those you keep forever.