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you dont sorry

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Q: How do you get rid of items you dont want on club penguin?
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Related questions

How many items you can get in club penguin?

Unlimited. As many as you want.

In club penguin how much items can you have in your inventory?

as many as you want

How many items can you hold on club penguin?

As many as you want!

How do you put igloo items in your backyard on club penguin?

To put igloo items in your backyard on Club Penguin you will first need to select the type of igloo you want. You can then select the accessories and items you want to include and place them in the backyard.

I dont want my club penguin account anymore what do i do?

give it to me

How do you see your items on Club Penguin?

Click on your Penguin and then pull out the tab to the left and choose what you want to view.

Do you need to pay to play club penguin?

no you dont have to anless you want to be a member

Club penguin is there a way to get rid of clothes you dont want?

nope! theres no way! if you dont want it dont buy it.think before you buy!

Anyone has a member accuont of club penguin they dont want anymore and i could have?


Do you have to buy a membership for Club Penguin?

Not unless you want to get exclusive member items. If you arent a member you can still participate in club penguin but you can't own certain items like some puffles, clothes, wigs, etc.

Does any one have a club penguin member penguin they dont want anymore It does?

no,why would someone pay for something he wont play

Can you give back puffel's on club penguin?

NO. if u dont want ur puffle, dont feed it and it will go away