In Eterna City's Pokemon center. Talk to a woman in there and she will give you the poketch app- freindship checker.
yes two big hearts
its a poketch app.
Go and talk to the owner of poketch in poketch company's building he will install the marking map app in your poketch
Poketch App 01 is the Digital Watch. This is obtained with the Poketch along with the calculator app (02).
from a woman in eterna city's Pokemon city
yes two big hearts
its a poketch app.
Go and talk to the owner of poketch in poketch company's building he will install the marking map app in your poketch
Poketch App 01 is the Digital Watch. This is obtained with the Poketch along with the calculator app (02).
App is not an item, it is those things that you put into youir poketch, such as the marking map.
use the poketch app markin map after you beat the elite 4
from a woman in eterna city's Pokemon city
a poketch app you get in juberlife city and are special things that you add to your poketch
You talk to the girl in eterna city's poke'center the on in the purple shirt
go to solaceon town and talk to the guy by the girl who is by the daycare fence.
I am thinking you get it from the poketech company. correct me if i am wrong
u touch the red button to scroll through apps