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in celedon city where the girl gives you tea.

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Q: Where do you get pokedex rewards in FireRed?
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In Pokemon FireRed how do you tell where you are on your pokedex?

look in your pokedex

Pokedex between LeafGreen and FireRed?

Firered and leafgreen both can catch different Pokemon but there pokedex is the same, here is some examples: magmar only in leafgreen not firered, oddish in firered not leafgreen, ekans in firered not leafgreen, bellsprout in leafgreen not firered, pinsir in leafgreen not firered.

Where do you find Squirtle in Pokemon FireRed to complete my pokedex?

Squirtle is only obtainable if you chose it at the beginning of the game you must get one from another firered or leafgreen then give it to your firered and then you can finish your pokedex.

How do you get venasuar on pokedex FireRed?

you can only get it in the beginning

How many Pokemon must see to get national pokedex?

You have to trade with firered or leafgreen to get the national pokedex.

What is there to do when you beat FireRed?

u could complete the pokedex

How do you fill out your pokedex in FireRed?

catch 80 Pokemon

How do you use the POKeDEX in FireRed?

First you have to press enter in your keyboard.Then a box appears on the right of the screen.At the top there will be written 'pokedex'.Press it and the pokedex will appear.

Can You show me the FireRed and LeafGreen pokedex?

Go to Google and type in [Pokemon Fire Red Pokedex list] or [Pokemon Leaf Green Pokedex list].AnswerVisit and read up to the Sinnoh Pokedex. These are all the Pokemon available in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen.

What is 54 on the pokedex in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Psyduck. must trade from firered

Can you evolve golbat in Pokemon firered?

Provided you have the national Pokedex. Yes.

Can you complete the national pokedex in firered without trading or cheating or at least the Kanto pokedex?

the kanto pokedex YES national not sure but i think you have to trade from ruby or sapphire or something