Firered and leafgreen both can catch different Pokemon but there pokedex is the same, here is some examples: magmar only in leafgreen not firered, oddish in firered not leafgreen, ekans in firered not leafgreen, bellsprout in leafgreen not firered, pinsir in leafgreen not firered.
get firered or leafgreen and migrate it to pearl after national pokedex
* Mewtwo can only be recorded on your PokeDex if... * In FireRed/Leafgreen: Go to Cerulean Cave (guarded when Elite Four is not beaten at Cerulean City) * In Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: Trade from FireRed/Leafgreen when the Ruby/Sapphire is found in FireRed or LeafGreen * In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: Send to Pal Park by any GBA game
No it isn't cheating because that's how you complete your Pokedex in Pearl/Diamond/Platnium.
The johto Pokemon from FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald can be migrated to the DS. but the older games such as silver and gold do not fit in the DS.
Bellsprout has to be found wild, in leafgreen, you need to trade from Leafgreen for Pokemon.
You have to trade with firered or leafgreen to get the national pokedex.
Psyduck. must trade from firered
Squirtle is only obtainable if you chose it at the beginning of the game you must get one from another firered or leafgreen then give it to your firered and then you can finish your pokedex.
get firered or leafgreen and migrate it to pearl after national pokedex
I know firered can, if you seen a shellder look at it on your pokedex and check its area if it says unkown you will HAVE to trade a shellder to leafgreen from firered.
Go to Google and type in [Pokemon Fire Red Pokedex list] or [Pokemon Leaf Green Pokedex list].AnswerVisit and read up to the Sinnoh Pokedex. These are all the Pokemon available in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen.
in peral/diamond you have to get the national pokedex in firered/leafgreen you can catch it in the later stages of the game
The original Pokedex is given to the player by Professor Birch. After the Pokemon Ruby trades with LeafGreen or FireRed the National Pokedex will be unlocked.
* Mewtwo can only be recorded on your PokeDex if... * In FireRed/Leafgreen: Go to Cerulean Cave (guarded when Elite Four is not beaten at Cerulean City) * In Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: Trade from FireRed/Leafgreen when the Ruby/Sapphire is found in FireRed or LeafGreen * In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: Send to Pal Park by any GBA game
you need to trade bellsprout, vulpix, and sanshrew from leafgreen and you can get the rest in fire red.
you must have the national pokedex at search for it in the trall grass and catch it or trade it from firered or leafgreen
Well 1-9 are the starters these are obtained in firered and leafgreen, 10-20 are caterpie through butterfree, weedle through beedrill, pidgey through pidgeot, rattata to raticate all of these are obtained in firered and leafgreen.