The johto Pokemon from FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald can be migrated to the DS. but the older games such as silver and gold do not fit in the DS.
No because it is a sinnoh Pokemon not a kanto, johto, or hoenn
there r 496 Pokemon in johto and sinnoh combined.....but i don't know how many there r in johto alone..........
Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh.
You cannot do anything in Sinnoh in HeartGold. You can only go to Johto and Kanto. Sinnoh is not available to travel to.
get all the Pokemon in the pokedex then talk to birch
No because it is a sinnoh Pokemon not a kanto, johto, or hoenn
In the Sinnoh Pokedex, number 135 is Lumineon. On the National Pokedex expansion, it is Jolteon.
There're 156. National Pokédex nos. 494 to 649.
National and Kanto PokeDex: Vaporeon Johto: Diglett Hoenn: Cradily Sinnoh: Finneon
After you see all the Sinnoh Region Pokemon, go to the Professor, and he will give you the National Pokedex, which includes Pokemon from the Kanto, Hoenn, and Johto Regions.
No, you cannot trade at that point. You can only trade Johto and Kanto Pokemon at that point. No Sinnoh/Hoenn Pokemon are allowed.
#43 in the Johto Pokedex is Igglybuff.
No, Unova, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto are not pokemon, but are the reigons of ¨pokemon world.¨
It has only the sinnoh region.
You can't, only Sinnoh is available in Diamond.
Johto Pokedex: 256 National Pokedex: 493
there r 496 Pokemon in johto and sinnoh combined.....but i don't know how many there r in johto alone..........