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Q: How do you fill out your pokedex in FireRed?
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How do you catch the national pokedex in Pokemon firered?

After you fill your whole dex and beat the E4.

In Pokemon FireRed how do you tell where you are on your pokedex?

look in your pokedex

Pokedex between LeafGreen and FireRed?

Firered and leafgreen both can catch different Pokemon but there pokedex is the same, here is some examples: magmar only in leafgreen not firered, oddish in firered not leafgreen, ekans in firered not leafgreen, bellsprout in leafgreen not firered, pinsir in leafgreen not firered.

Where do you find Squirtle in Pokemon FireRed to complete my pokedex?

Squirtle is only obtainable if you chose it at the beginning of the game you must get one from another firered or leafgreen then give it to your firered and then you can finish your pokedex.

I am trying to fill my pokedex in Pokemon Firered and I need to see Mew I don't need to capture it I just need to see it Does anybody no where i can see it?

in cereilen cave

How do you get venasuar on pokedex FireRed?

you can only get it in the beginning

How many Pokemon must see to get national pokedex?

You have to trade with firered or leafgreen to get the national pokedex.

What happens when you fill the national pokedex on diamound?

you get your legendery pokedex!!!! you get your legendery pokedex!!!! you get your legendery pokedex!!!!

What is there to do when you beat FireRed?

u could complete the pokedex

How do you fill national dex on diamond?

You complete your sinnoh pokedex, then go to your hometown and get the national 'dex then go to pal park and migrate pokémon from ruby, sapphire, leafgreen or firered.

What pokedex do you have to fill to get cyndaquil in FireRed?

To get a cyndaquil u must trade one from Pokemon emerald or Pokemon xd gale of darkness or breed the purified quilava from Pokemon colosseum

How do I fill my pokedex on Pokemon Platinum?

You have see to many different pokemons. Then you will fill it (you have to every Pokemon to get national pokedex).