you have to go to Hugh's house at night(you have to talk to him outside first) then you will play a mini game. after you play it he will give you a baffling battery
The Unarcheted Isle. That is Where you Will Find Bones. :)
Candypolooza on map. Have fun!!:)
you can fish it out at cutopia
Idthink there is 1
Where to find magic 8-ball I'm my sims kingdom
You need to talk to lilly and buy a load of electrical appliances or just buy a wooden stove.
ask the sims around and u will find out
In rocket reef
cowboy junction
The Unarcheted Isle. That is Where you Will Find Bones. :)
You will find him in the Zoo. There will be a cut-scene.
the cowboy island
You go to the mayor Ellen
the uncharted isle
there are no elegant essences