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You need to talk to lilly and buy a load of electrical appliances or just buy a wooden stove.

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13y ago

buy an electrical appliance from lily or a wooden stove

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12y ago

I found mine by giving Tim ( The zookeeper ) a photo of one of the animals :)

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Q: How do you get the secretive cylinder in my sims kingdom?
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I love the Sims kingdom too and all you have to do is follow what you have to do in your missions

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I love the Sims kingdom too and all you have to do is follow what you have to do in your missions

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I love the Sims kingdom too and all you have to do is follow what you have to do in your missions

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There are no My Sims Kingdom cheats. But there are some for clothes. But not for gameplay.

On Sims 2 Kingdom can you kiss on it?

Nope you can't kiss on my sims Kingdom. Sorry.

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I love the Sims kingdom too and all you have to do is follow what you have to do in your missions