There are no poffins in Pokemon White.
If you are wondering how to evolve a Feebas, you need to trade it with a Prism Scale, or take it for massages. These do increase its Beauty (in Black/White only) although this is never shown, and the values are not used for anything else in GenV.
no you can't make poffins in pokemon white or black i couldnt find any of the stuff to do it
you can't but you can make poffins Poffins in diamond and pearl replace what used to be pokeblock.
you dont. the entire contest system was removed for pokemon black and white
when a Pokemon eats poffins, its sheen increases. When its sheen is full the Pokemon will eat no more poffins. around about 10 - 15 is the maximum i think
You can't get poffins that's only for DS games
no you can't make poffins in pokemon white or black i couldnt find any of the stuff to do it
Poffins are not in Black and White. You can only make them in the Sinnoh games.
you can't but you can make poffins Poffins in diamond and pearl replace what used to be pokeblock.
you dont. the entire contest system was removed for pokemon black and white
You can turn berries into poffins in Heart Home City and you can feed the poffins to your pokemon.
when a Pokemon eats poffins, its sheen increases. When its sheen is full the Pokemon will eat no more poffins. around about 10 - 15 is the maximum i think
By giving it poffins it likes. You can make poffins in the poffin House. It is in the town you get eevee.
You can't get poffins that's only for DS games
poffins and berries
I can only assume you mean Poffins? After maxing out a Pokemon's sheen, you can feed them no more poffins.
they wont eat anymore poffins that's all sorry
You don't buy poffins. Find some berrys (each type of berry makes a different type of poffin) the Pokemon on fan club in Hearthome city talk to a man who gives you a poffin case go next door then and talk to the lady and you'll be making poffins in no time.