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you dont. the entire contest system was removed for pokemon black and white

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Q: How do you get Pokeblocks or poffins in Pokemon Black?
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In Pokemon Sapphire where do you make poffins?

You cannot make poffins in Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald but you can make pokeblocks at contest centers

Where do you get poffins in emerald?

You cant. They are called pokeblocks.

How do you get the evoled Pokemon of feebass on Pokemon Diamond?

Using poffins/pokeblocks, max out Feebas's beauty condition and level it up after it hits max

Can you make poffins in Pokemon White?

no you can't make poffins in pokemon white or black i couldnt find any of the stuff to do it

What are considered big hearts for Pokemon happiness?

Letting it walk with you, feeding it pokeblocks/poffins/apricorns, leveling it up, entering in contests/pokethon(if thats what its called)

How do you make poffins in Pokemon black?

I don't think you can.

How do you mack pokeblock in Pokemon Diamond?

you can only get pokeblocks in ruby, sapphire and emerald. However if you talk to the Pokemon fanclub chairman he'll give you a poffin case. And you can make poffins in the poffin house at hearthome city.

How can you get pokeblocks in Pokemon HeartGold?

There are no PokeBlocks in HG/SS.

How do you get Milotic?

Catch a feebas, give it pokeblocks/poffins that max out its beauty stat, and level it up one level.

How do you evlove a feebas?

To evlove a FEEBAS to get a MILOTIC is feed feebas poffins or pokeblocks until FEEBAS evloves. From: Pokefreak!!!

What is the best beary to involve feebas?

for starters its spelled berry. secondly it evolves through maxing out it beauty... berries wont do that so depending what version of Pokemon your on you'll either need pokeblocks or poffins.

How do you get a poke block in emerald?

Emerald doesn't use pokeblocks; it uses poffins. The same concept is used, it just has a different name. You can find the Poffin House, where you make poffins, in Hearthome City. You can get a poffin case (a key item) in the Pokemon Fan Club, which is also found in Hearthome City.