you cant; poffins were a new addition in pokeom diamond and pearl.
You can't, Poffins were an addition to Diamond and Pearl, much much later than Emerald.
yes; they do the same thing only difference is one is made in a machine and one you cook but they both use berries in the creation. of course pokeblock is exclusive to sapphire, ruby, and emerald. poffins are exclusive to diamond, pearl, and platinum.
You can't get poffins that's only for DS games
yes if you make poffins in hearthrome city and their the same type as the moves or contest you entered in (dry poffins=beauty and the color blue,spicy poffins= cool and the color orange,sweet poffins=cute and the color pink,sour poffins=tough and the color yellow,bitter poffins=smart andthe color green)then it will helpWhat he said
you cant; poffins were a new addition in pokeom diamond and pearl.
You cannot make poffins in Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald but you can make pokeblocks at contest centers
You can't, Poffins were an addition to Diamond and Pearl, much much later than Emerald.
Emerald doesn't use pokeblocks; it uses poffins. The same concept is used, it just has a different name. You can find the Poffin House, where you make poffins, in Hearthome City. You can get a poffin case (a key item) in the Pokemon Fan Club, which is also found in Hearthome City.
yes; they do the same thing only difference is one is made in a machine and one you cook but they both use berries in the creation. of course pokeblock is exclusive to sapphire, ruby, and emerald. poffins are exclusive to diamond, pearl, and platinum.
You can't make them in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum only in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. Poffins are made in D/P/P
in diamond u cant or pearl or platuim u make poffins in sapphire emerald and ruby in super contest hall in Lilicove city
Poffins are Pokemon cakes that improve your chances of winning a contest. There are Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Dry and Spicy poffins (there can also be combinations of poffin types like the Bitter-Spicy poffin, the Dry-Sour poffin etc...). Sweet poffins raise cuteness, Spicy poffins raise coolness, Sour poffins raise toughness, Bitter poffins raise smartness, Dry poffins raise beauty. Poffins are also leveled to show how much of that particular stat you have raised. Also, if you make poffins with the right berries and plenty of friends, you might get a mild poffin. Mild poffins raise ALL of the stats mentioned above (cuteness, coolness, toughness, smartness and beauty) so if you are making poffins, this is the one to go for. there are:sour,sweet,mild,foul,dry and biter.
You can't get poffins that's only for DS games
yes if you make poffins in hearthrome city and their the same type as the moves or contest you entered in (dry poffins=beauty and the color blue,spicy poffins= cool and the color orange,sweet poffins=cute and the color pink,sour poffins=tough and the color yellow,bitter poffins=smart andthe color green)then it will helpWhat he said
you can make poffins at the house that is directly under Bebe's house. But first you have to get a berry.
You can turn berries into poffins in Heart Home City and you can feed the poffins to your pokemon.