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are you stupid? feraligater doesnt appear in leaf green/fire red it is a starter for gold/silver/heart gold/soul silver

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Q: Where do you find feraligatr in firered?
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How do you find a feraligatar in Pokemon FireRed?

You cannot catch a Feraligatr in Pokemon FireRed. You can, however, transfer one from Pokemon Colosseum by catching Croconaw and evolving it into Feraligatr, then transferring it.

Where is feraligatr in Pokemon FireRed?

Yes, there is, there's a foe with one at the battle tower.

How do you get Feraligatr in Pokemon FireRed?

If i am right you have complete your kanto(???) pokedex. I don't know if it is kanto or national.

When does faraligator learn hydro pump?

By leveling up, Feraligatr learns Hydro Pump at different levels for each generation.In Generation II (Gold, Silver, Crystal), Feraligatr learns Hydro Pump at level 58.In Generation III (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen), Feraligatr learns Hydro Pump at level 55.In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, Feraligatr learns Hydro Pump at level 63.In Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Feraligatr learns Hydro Pump at level 71.In Generation V (Black, White), Feraligatr learns Hydro Pump at level 76.

How do you get Feraligatr in Pokemon Diamond?

You cannot find Feraligatr in Pokémon Diamond however you do have the option of trading with another player that might have started with Totodile in Pokémon HeartGold or Pokémon SoulSilver additionally if you have Feraligatr in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen or Emerald then you can use Diamond's Pal Park feature in order to migrate it over into the game so that it will now be in Diamond however once it has been migrated over it cannot be returned to Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen or Emerald.

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Where can you find a sandslash in Pokemon FireRed?

You cant find it in Firered only leafgreen.

What type of Pokemon is Feraligatr?

Feraligatr is a Water type pokemon.

How do you find missingno. in Pokemon FireRed?

While it was possible to find missingno. in Red version, it is not possible to find it in FireRed.

Can feraligatr learn sheer cold?

Feraligatr cannot learn Sheer Cold.

Where do you find the Old Sea Chart in Pokemon FireRed?

You can't find the Old Sea Chart in FireRed.

How do you find Murkrow in Pokemon FireRed?

You can find Murkrow in the Lost Cave in Pokémon FireRed.