You find it in mt.Cornet... i haven't found one there yet but that's what the pokedex in the game says so i doubt it's wrong
You can find marill at the safari zone in the meadow
By going to the mountain between Ecruteak City and Mahogany Tow, you will find Marill. Although Marill appears only 10% of the time in the cave.
you have to use hm rock smash on rocks to find them.
you find him in the ruins of alph by weeds and you can find smeargle on there same thing on Pokemon heart gold (natu evolves at level 25)(smeargle no evolvetion)
Theres a pretty sweat glitch, you have to find the white rock outside the space station clikc on it 7 times and then find the nearist rock and run round it 20 times, do this 5 times and then the next pokemon you get will be a Marill
near safari zone were the grass is
Marill is a water type of Pokemon which is featured in the Pokemon anime. It is not possible to find one on route 104 on Pokemon sapphire.
By going to the mountain between Ecruteak City and Mahogany Tow, you will find Marill. Although Marill appears only 10% of the time in the cave.
It attracts a ledendary pokemon.
evolve gastly.
curmen cave
this is also for heart gold
you have to use hm rock smash on rocks to find them.
You can find them by surfing and fishing.
pokemon heart gold
Well I do have the game. I did see suicune in it.
you can find information on Pokemon heart gold and soul silver on this website
You can't.