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You cannot find Bulbasaur in Pokemon Platinum. you can only get a Bulbasaur through trading from Pokemon Leaf Green or Fire Red. You can even use an AR to get Bulbasaur in Pokemon Platinum. Sorry I don't remember the code. Have fun and good luck.

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Q: Where do you find a bulbasour in Pokemon Platinum?
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OK IM GONNA SHOW YOU HOW TO GET BULBASOUR ON POKEMON PLATNUM :) First go to Pokemon platinum and go to victory road and you can pick out any Pokemon :o

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You'll have to transfer a Bulbasaur from a LeafGreen or FireRed using Pal Park.

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you can only get it by getting bulbasour as your starter.beat the elite 4. then find it in the wild

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you cant its a starter.

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What Pokemon games can you get bulbasour in?

Red, Blue, Yellow, Firered, Leafgreen.

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