it depends he first got pikachu but he fiirst got a caterpie and the first kanto starter he got was bulbasour
You cannot find Bulbasaur in Pokemon Platinum. you can only get a Bulbasaur through trading from Pokemon Leaf Green or Fire Red. You can even use an AR to get Bulbasaur in Pokemon Platinum. Sorry I don't remember the code. Have fun and good luck.
you catch 60 different Pokemon go to professor oak.catch mew and mewtwo catch one of the three legendary dogs. charmander...suicune bulbasour...entei legendary dogs to the left squirtle...raikou squirtle...raikou
Well, honey, in Pokémon Crystal, you can't catch Charmander. You'll have to trade for it from another game that has Charmander, like Pokémon Red, Blue, or Yellow. So, either make some friends with the older games or hit up the trading forums online to get your fiery lizard fix.
there are no Pokemon games for ps3
There are various ways that you can get a Bulbasaur in the Pokemon games. For example, in generation 1, you can get him as your starter.
OK IM GONNA SHOW YOU HOW TO GET BULBASOUR ON POKEMON PLATNUM :) First go to Pokemon platinum and go to victory road and you can pick out any Pokemon :o
in a bulbasour :)
you cant its a starter.
only by trading
You can get bulbasour via Pal park or if you defeat Red on top of Mount Silver where you get to visit Prof. Oak, who gives you a kanto starter.
around about level 20 so do that =P
You'll have to transfer a Bulbasaur from a LeafGreen or FireRed using Pal Park.
you can only get it by getting bulbasour as your starter.beat the elite 4. then find it in the wild
Bulbasaur evolves into ivysaur at level 16, then evolves into venusaur at level 32.
No. Pokemon has to deal with Ash and Picachu battling it out with other Pokemon trainers.