You can catch Sawk at pinwheel forest, before you enter it (where the challenge rock is and all). I believe the encounter rate is pretty low, as I took a while to find one
Sawk is found in shaking grasses on routes where throh can be found normally in white and in black throh is found at the same way.
Is sawk a legendary pokemon??
to catch zapdos in pokemon black you have to have every legendary pokemon
Defeat the game. You can access Pokemon from W&B now! Now you can get Sawk or Throh or etc.
Yes you can catch Reshiram in Pokemon black and you can catch zekrom in Pokemon white hope it helped.
Pokemon black
Sawk is found in shaking grasses on routes where throh can be found normally in white and in black throh is found at the same way.
Audino,Zekrom,Sawk,Throh,Kyreum,Tornadus,Seviper, and Zangoose. These are Pokemon you can catch on Pokemon Black. I think that's about it. also alomomola
Sawk is a Fighting type pokemon.
Is sawk a legendary pokemon??
You can catch Cottnee, Whimscott, Vullaby, Mandibuzz, Rerisham, Gothita, Gothorita, and Gothetelle. I think, sorry for the misspellings. Sawk, and the Red Bascilun are more common in black then throh and blue bascilun. Did this help you?
Nope. You can catch both Sawk and Throh in both versions. ^^
From what I know of there is just throh and sawk. You can find throh in rustling grass in Black and Sawk in rustling grass in white. There is a ledgedary trio though
Before the Pokemon League: Cottonee, Gothita, Vullaby, Tornadus, and Reshiram and the evolution lines of those pokemon. After the Pokemon League: Weedle, Murkrow, Houndour, Shroomish, Plusle, and Volbeat. (once again the evolutionary lines are available) Those are the only ones you can catch in Black but not in White. also sawk and look for murkrow in the afternoon
No. Believe it or not, Sawk and Throh aren't version-exclusive. They're just rarer in the corresponding game(Sawk in White and Throh in Black).
Sawk is #539 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fighting type Pokemon.