One method is to do the Missingno. glitch (where you talk to the man in pewter and let him catch Pokemon and then surf on the right side of cinibar island) and look around. along with meeting missingno. you may and I mean MAY find blastoise. you also may find other Pokemon like mewtwo and stuff.
Squirtle, Wartortle, or Blastoise.
No. Missingno is a glitch pokemon found in pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow.
There are a few Pokemon that are blue turtles in appearance. The most popular one is Squirtle, along with its evolution forms: Wartortle and Blastoise. There are other 2 fossil Pokemon named Tirtouga and Carracosta that are blue turtles as well.
it's impossible. your can only catch one in Pokemon blue. get a cable cord and trade
You can't catch a Squirtle. It's one of the Pokemon you can get from oak. You have to trade with someone who already has a Squirtle.
catch a Missingno
You can't catch him on that game, but you can catch him in Blue or Red version.
no, you catch different Pokemon in yellow, you get ALL 3 starters, and theres no glitch in yellow. :)
Squirtle, Wartortle, or Blastoise.
you can its a glitch really hard 2 do you can look it up on youtube
There are detailed instructions on how to catch this GLITCH here: "MISSING.NO" IS NOT A POKEMON AND HAS NEVER BEEN ONE. It is only a glitch of the game. Catching it is only asking to get your game messed up INDEFINITELY. Your PC box will be messed up, your Pokemon on hand will be messed up, it is not worth messing with that glitch AT ALL. To get it using gameshark: 014FD8CF IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!!!
The only way to get Mew in Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow is via the Mew Glitch, which you can find on Bulbapedia.
In Pokemon Gold, Silver, HeartGold, and SoulSilver you can catch the Pokemon of the Johto region, and the Kanto region. In the Johto region, you can catch Pokemon such as Ho-oh, Lugia, Suicune, Entei, and Raikou. In the Kanto region, you can catch Pokemon such as Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mewtwo, and Mew. (Can only catch Mew in Red and Blue.) no you are extremely wrong my 7 year old brother caught mew ( glitch at level 7 or 15 w.e ) and what you meant you can catch it only in red and blue ??? you mean the glitch mew in red blue AND YELLOW ? plz do not post stuff that are unclear
'M' is a version of the Missingno glitch found in Pokemon Red and Blue. When doing the Missingno glitch on R/B and you come across a Pokemon named just 'M', Do not catch it. It -WILL- mess up your game (I've done it before, I lost my entire blue game because of it XP). Missingno is perfectly fine to catch, but 'M' is not.
Yes, but only by glitch, not hack, go to this website: Just make sure you start a new file first...
DO NOT USE GLITCH POKEMON CHEATS FOR THE GAMESHARK. They will delete your game file, and could permanently corrupt your gameshark.
Blastoise Mewtwo Arcanine Vileplume Jolteon Gengar