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In almost any mining area

One place where you can mine clay in Runescape is South of Varrock. It's right by the Champion's Guild, which is South-West of the dark wizards circle. If you look on your map (it's not East of the wizards) you'll find it very easily. There you'll find 2 clay rocks that respawn pretty fast, and if you add water to the clay you'll get soft clay which is used for pottery and such.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Well a good place to mine clay is between the cities of varrok and lumbrige. When you are in lumbrige ( the place where you first start off) go north and just before you reach the windmill there is a path going north. Follow it, you should be passing a cart on that road. Once u reach the end of the road the mine will be in front of you. When done mining clay you can deposit it in a bank which is north of the mine, just follow the city wall.

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Q: Where can you mine clay on Runescape?
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How and where can you mine clay in the new RuneScape?

if you go to the mining spot on the side of ice mountain you can find clay there. from one blood185 on runescape you can also mine clay in the dwarven mines

Why clay is used in pot making?

You just use pottery clay. In runescape, you mine clay.

How do you get soft clay on RuneScape?

To get soft clay within Runescape you must first mine a clay rock, located in many mines throughout Runescape, once you have some clay you must get a bucket and fill it with water and use it on the clay.

What can you mine in the crafting guild in RuneScape?

Gold, silver and clay.

Where can you get a clay ring on runescape?

Mine some clay, pour water(bucket) on it, and then use a chisel on the soft clay.

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mine clay and hope for luck

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in runescape mine clay and sell it at the grand exchange

Where do you get soft clay in RuneScape?

mix clay with water

How do you craft clay rings in runescape?

Follow these easy steps to craft a clay ring:1. Go to the mine south-west of varrok.2. Mine one clay rock.3. Buy a clay mould at the G.E.4. Use the clay with a bucket of water.5. Use the soft clay with a ring mould.6. Use the ring mould with a furnace.7. Tadaa! A clay ring.

How do you make a pot on runescape?

InstructionsItems Needed: Jug (of water), 40 crafting (optional - Brown Apron for crafting guild), PickaxeMine some Clay.Use the Clay with Jug of Water to get soft clay. ( if you mine the clay with bracelet of clay - enchanted Sapphire Bracelet - you skip this process as you mine the clay.)Use the Soft Clay on the Potters Wheel to make the Pot shape.Fire The Pot at the Firing Oven to finish.

How you make a bowl at pottery in runescape?

Mine clay, use with bucket of water to get soft clay then spin it at crafting guild then fire it in furnace at crafting guild.Note: You need 40 crafting to access guild.

Where can you spin clay on RuneScape?

No, sorry :(