To get soft clay within Runescape you must first mine a clay rock, located in many mines throughout Runescape, once you have some clay you must get a bucket and fill it with water and use it on the clay.
Clay goes for 177Gp each Soft-Clay goes for 244GP each
Mine some clay, pour water(bucket) on it, and then use a chisel on the soft clay.
To make pottery, you take soft clay to the Barbarian Village. South of the center is a hut which has the equipment required to do pottery. Use the soft clay on the pottery wheel first; then use the pots on the oven to bake your pottery.
In barbarian village
Go Crafting Guild ( Brown Apron + Pick Axe needed ) Provided you have the crafting level, follow these steps: * Mine Some Clay. * Pick Up A Jug. * Fill Jug With Water From Nearby Tap. * Use Jug Of Water On Clay to make soft clay. * Use Soft Clay on nearby potter's wheel, and click bowl to make an un-fired bowl.
mix clay with water
you take a piece of clay and use it on a bucket of water, voila, soft clay.
You can buy soft clay on ge, and you can buy a key mold.
Clay goes for 177Gp each Soft-Clay goes for 244GP each
Mine some clay, pour water(bucket) on it, and then use a chisel on the soft clay.
it is not hard,only when put in oven,so it is soft
The GE operates on all worlds, so you can buy soft clay on any world.
You need 10 soft clay.
To make pottery, you take soft clay to the Barbarian Village. South of the center is a hut which has the equipment required to do pottery. Use the soft clay on the pottery wheel first; then use the pots on the oven to bake your pottery.
You combine water in a container (for example, a pail of water) with clay. To make it quickly, look for a water fountain that is near a bank, for example, central Varrock. Alternatively, you can buy soft clay directly at the Grand Exchange.
InstructionsItems Needed: Jug (of water), 40 crafting (optional - Brown Apron for crafting guild), PickaxeMine some Clay.Use the Clay with Jug of Water to get soft clay. ( if you mine the clay with bracelet of clay - enchanted Sapphire Bracelet - you skip this process as you mine the clay.)Use the Soft Clay on the Potters Wheel to make the Pot shape.Fire The Pot at the Firing Oven to finish.
Mine clay, use with bucket of water to get soft clay then spin it at crafting guild then fire it in furnace at crafting guild.Note: You need 40 crafting to access guild.