There is no rock climb in pokemon saphire, but there is a rock climb in pokemon diamond and pearl.
You can't. Rockclimb wasn't in those games. HM Climb can be obtained on Pokemon Ruby, Emerald or Sapphire and later games.
The following Pokemon that you can easily get to learn Flash in Sapphire: Beautifly or Dustox Lotad or Lombre Oddish Gloom
When you learn to use the force.
Any water Pokemon besides magikarp and also linoone can learn surf as well.
Swelleow can. Pelliper can. Swablu can. Altaria can.
You can't. Rockclimb wasn't in those games. HM Climb can be obtained on Pokemon Ruby, Emerald or Sapphire and later games.
Any Pokemon you want, most normal types and rock type Pokemon can learn that move.
you teach it to a Pokemon then you go to a scale and use rockclimb
The following Pokemon that you can easily get to learn Flash in Sapphire: Beautifly or Dustox Lotad or Lombre Oddish Gloom
Go the Celestic Town. Make sure your Pokemon have Rockclimb and Defog. Go roght until you find the path the can be rockclimbed. Go rockclimb it and go into the house and the woman will teach dracometeor to any dragon Pokemon.
It can learn it via the TM but not by level.
You can only clone Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald. Not Sapphire and Ruby. To learn how to do it, search it up for a guide.
When you learn to use the force.
Any water Pokemon besides magikarp and also linoone can learn surf as well.
yes,camerupt will learn fissure it will learn it at Lv.55