im sorry to say pay day dose not come in tm you can only teach it to meowth by leveling up
Every day from 3pm-4pm, Daisy will massage your Pokemon once daily.
you can put ditto with a Pokemon in the day care. or two Pokemon of opposite gender. doesn't work with non gender Pokemon like lugia or porygon.
The only way of changing the day in soul silver is to change the day on the DS itself. The day imprints off of the DS time
get an electabuzz and a ditto and put them into the day care center then later the day care man will phone you to say that he has an egg for you get it and when it hatches you will have a elekid
tune in to the radio oak and Mary every day until they say the swarm is swablu in route whatever route
Wednesday (I think)
The Day Care Man will call you on your Pokegear.
on any day go to diglet cave
One step equals one experience point for the Pokemon that are in the daycare centre
Every day from 3pm-4pm, Daisy will massage your Pokemon once daily.
he comes back to the power plant every day
The flute isent only played on a spercific day, but you have to obtain it from the radio station in kanto (lavender town) off a gentlemen, then play it next to the snorlax if you want it to move :)
To get two Eevees in Pokemon silver catch a Ditto and put it in the Day Care with the Eevee you get from Bill next to the Game Corner in Goldenrod City
go to safforn city to the gym right beside it is where it will be
They can breed if left in the Pokemon Day Care with Ditto. Breeding usually makes the unevolved form of that Pokemon, unless the Pokemon does not evolve into or evolve from anything.
you can put ditto with a Pokemon in the day care. or two Pokemon of opposite gender. doesn't work with non gender Pokemon like lugia or porygon.