In Castelia city search on all the piers should be at the last one to the right and talk to the man at the bottom
Petilil will evolve with a sun stone, pansage with a leaf stone, panpour with a water stone, and pansear will evolve with a fire stone.
In Pokemon Black & White or any other Pokemon, you can catch water type Pokemon in the sea or by using a fishing rod.
Panpour evolves by water stone. It might be a good idea to wait for it to learn crunch before evolving it.
Yes, yes there is: Keldo. A ledgendary water/fighting pokemon that you can only get in Black/White or Black/White 2
you can use a water stone on lombre
You need to use a water stone
Petilil will evolve with a sun stone, pansage with a leaf stone, panpour with a water stone, and pansear will evolve with a fire stone.
So far (although I have completed White not yet Black) all I know are Pansage (Leaf Stone), Pansear (Fire Stone) and Panpour (Water Stone). Sorry if this isn't as helpful as you hoped!
Vaperon i think.
Here are some stones and the Pokemon that they evolve... Leaf Stone: Evolves Pansage into Simisage Fire Stone: Evolves Pansear into Simisear Water Stone: Evolves Panpour into Simipour Moon Stone: Evolves Munna into Musharna Sun Stone: Evolves Cottonee into Whimiscott (Black) or Petilil into Lilligant (White)
water stone
route 6
the bays at castelia city
In Pokemon Black & White or any other Pokemon, you can catch water type Pokemon in the sea or by using a fishing rod.
you evole it with a water stone
It evolves with a water stone
A Staryu evolves with a water stone.