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Panpour evolves by water stone. It might be a good idea to wait for it to learn crunch before evolving it.

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Q: How does Panpour evolve in Pokemon Black and White?
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How does a panpour evolve on Pokemon white?

You Need A Waterstone.

What Pokemon evolve with stones in Pokemon Black and White?

Petilil will evolve with a sun stone, pansage with a leaf stone, panpour with a water stone, and pansear will evolve with a fire stone.

What lv does panpour evolve in Pokemon white?

water stone

What do you use a water stone for in Pokemon white?

to evolve panpour which you get in the dream yard if you chose snivy as your starter but if you chose a different starter you get a different monkey (panpour, pansear and pansage) and will have a chance to get the stone to evolve it.

What level does panpour evolve at in pokemon white version?

it doesent you have to get a water stone you can get one in Castelia city

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Audino doesnt evolve in Pokemon black and white

What level does Throh evolve in Pokemon Black and white?

Throh don't evolve in Pokemon Black and White.

Does Cryogonal evolve black and white?

No, Cryogonal does not evolve in pokemon black and white

What Pokemon evolve with a stone Pokemon white?

So far (although I have completed White not yet Black) all I know are Pansage (Leaf Stone), Pansear (Fire Stone) and Panpour (Water Stone). Sorry if this isn't as helpful as you hoped!

Does victini evolve?

no it does not evolve on Pokemon black or white

Does sunfisk evolve in white Pokemon?

you mean STUNFISK in Pokemon black and white, and no he does NOT evolve at all

What Pokemon evolve from a waters stone in black and white?

In Pokémon Black and White the Pokémon that evolved from the use of a Water Stone is Poliwrath after evolving from Poliwhirl, Cloyster after evolving from Shellder, Vaporeon after evolving from Eevee, Ludicolo after it has evolved from Lombre, Simipour after it has evolved from Panpour and Starmie after it has evolved from Staryu.