Firt of all you must catch an oddish then when it evolves, it will evolve into a Gloom
How do you catch latios in Pokemon sapphire
There are many Pokemon you catch that are similar in sapphire and emerald but there are many Pokemon emerald can only get and not sapphire.
catch an oddish and train it until it evolves into a gloom
The following Pokemon that you can easily get to learn Flash in Sapphire: Beautifly or Dustox Lotad or Lombre Oddish Gloom
Well there is only about 3 Pokemon that evolve with the sun stone and 2 in Pokemon sapphire gloom and sunkern which turn into bellossom and sunflora.
you cant catch a bellosome you have to evolve gloom using a sun stone
catch it on route 121 or evolve it from oddish at lvl 21
You can't capture bellossom to get one catch a gloom and use a sun stone on it.
Gloom evolves into Vileploom with a Leaf stone To get gloom to evolve into a Bellossome, you need to use a Sun stone I suggest you catch two oddishs in order to get both Vileploom and Bellossome into your Pokedex.
You get the pokemon bellosom from using a sun stone on gloom
catch a gloom
Gloom into Bellossom & Sunkern into Sunflora
How do you catch latios in Pokemon sapphire
you just need a gloom and a sunstone use the sunstone on your gloom and walla you have a bellosom
There are many Pokemon you catch that are similar in sapphire and emerald but there are many Pokemon emerald can only get and not sapphire.
Exeggcute and Nuzleaf.
catch an oddish and train it until it evolves into a gloom