You can buy them at the Grand Exchange.
Although, it is preffered that you mine iron ore and smelt the ore into bars to raise your mining and smithing level and earn you profit.
By Gold bars of course!!!
easy just buy coal and iron from the grand exchange then smith it to steel bars sell them for 550each and there you are high smithing experience and more money made! For members: I made the article just copy and paste it and open it.
There is no other way of having 100% success other than wearing a Ring of Forging ( An enchanted Ruby Ring ), this however can only make 250 successful Iron Bars before crumbling to dust. or u can use the spell superheat item that makes every ore work and there is a profit if u sell the bars so that u can buy the nature runes
No but if your a member you can get iron boots.
If you were to sell the Ore (120GP) or Bars 276GP) each, it would take... - 8334 Iron Ores. - 3624 Iron Bars. gain 1,000,000GP. Note that if you were to buy the Ore at 120gp, smelt into a Bar and sell for 276gp, you would make 156gp per Bar (Assuming none are lost in the refining process). Using this, it would take... - 6411 Iron Ore to be made into Iron Bar. (Granting 80,317.5 Smithing Exp). make 1,000,000GP.
Iron and coal.
the grand exchange on runescape
Its so when you smelt iron to make iron bars there is a 0% fail rate.
To create Steel bars, you will need x2 Iron Ore and x1 Coal in your inventory. While at a furnace, you will be able to combine the ores and smelt Steel bars. There is no individual ore in RuneScape that creates steel, so you'll have to gather both Iron ore and Coal. Unlike Iron, you will have a 100% success rate while smelting these bars. ;)
varock ranging shop
i would have to say mining the coal and then iron and making steel bars, because you should only spend your money on coal if you have lots of money or if your not gonna make that much steel bars buy the coal so that it will save you time, if you ever want to Private Message me In game my names: Daerkkness. ~daerkknessoflight~ PCE
1 iron ore makes a iron bar. Only 50% of the total ores will be made into bars though. The rest are gone.
Steel bars, Mithril bars, Adamantite bars, and Runite bars.
By Gold bars of course!!!
easy just buy coal and iron from the grand exchange then smith it to steel bars sell them for 550each and there you are high smithing experience and more money made! For members: I made the article just copy and paste it and open it.
At the Grand Exchange. You can also do it yourself, by taking iron ores to a forge - or by using the Superheat speel on them.
In RuneScape, you need to mine two iron ores and then use them on a furnace with a piece of coal to create an iron bar. Alternatively, you can use the Superheat Item spell with level 43 Magic to create iron bars without needing a furnace or coal.