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There is no other way of having 100% success other than wearing a Ring of Forging ( An enchanted Ruby Ring ), this however can only make 250 successful Iron Bars before crumbling to dust. or u can use the spell superheat item that makes every ore work and there is a profit if u sell the bars so that u can buy the nature runes

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Q: How do you smelt iron ore successfully in Runescape?
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How do you smelt iron ore in runescape?

go to a furnace(one in lumbridge) click the iron ore and use it on the furnace.

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Where can you buy iron bars on runescape?

You can buy them at the Grand Exchange. Although, it is preffered that you mine iron ore and smelt the ore into bars to raise your mining and smithing level and earn you profit.

What can you smelt with tine ore on runescape?

Copper, to make Bronze.

How do you get iron out of an iron ore in minecraft?

In Minecraft,in order to get iron ore out of a mined block of iron you need to smelt the iron ore block in a furnace.

What can you make out of iron ore in Minecraft?

The only thing you can do with Iron Ore in Minecraft is smelt it in a furnace to get Iron Ingots.

What kind of ore smiths steel bars in RuneScape?

To create Steel bars, you will need x2 Iron Ore and x1 Coal in your inventory. While at a furnace, you will be able to combine the ores and smelt Steel bars. There is no individual ore in RuneScape that creates steel, so you'll have to gather both Iron ore and Coal. Unlike Iron, you will have a 100% success rate while smelting these bars. ;)

How do you meke iron bars on runescape?

you have to find iron ore in caves underground and occasionally on the surface, then get a furnace and smelt it. you will need wood or coal to power the furnace and 8 cobblestone to make the furnace

How do you get iron out of iron ore?

You smelt (melt the iron ore in a furnace so that all the iron is extracted from the stone and other things that are stuck onto or near the iron ore.

How do you smelt silver ore at home?

You take 1 Iron Ore and 2 Coal and put it in the Furnace.

How do you smelt an iron ore?

To smelt iron ore, you first need to mix it with carbon in a blast furnace to create pig iron. The carbon helps remove impurities from the ore, resulting in a liquid iron material that can be further processed into steel. The process involves high temperatures and requires specialized equipment.

What must be done to iron ore to produce element iron?

They need to smelt it to get all the impurities out