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First you have to smelt the Iron Ore into Iron Ingots at a furnace. Then at a crafting table, place an Iron Ingot in each of the nine slots, to make an Iron Block.

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Q: How do you change iron ore to iron blocks in minecraft?
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How do you get iron out of an iron ore in minecraft?

In Minecraft,in order to get iron ore out of a mined block of iron you need to smelt the iron ore block in a furnace.

Where do you find iron ore in minecraft?

Iron ore blocks can be typically found between the layers of 1-64 (64 being the sea level). If you are playing the PC edition of Minecraft, and need to check the level you're on, you can press the F3 key on your keyboard, and the "y" level number displayed on the left of the screen is your current level. Remember that iron ore blocks have a tan-ore-in-stone appearance.

What can you make out of iron ore in Minecraft?

The only thing you can do with Iron Ore in Minecraft is smelt it in a furnace to get Iron Ingots.

How do you get iron in mincraft?

You can obtain iron in Minecraft by mining iron ore blocks found underground. You will need a stone pickaxe or better to mine iron ore. Once mined, smelt the iron ore in a furnace to obtain iron ingots.

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you need to dig to roughly 10 blocks above bedrock and mine the ore with a minimum iron pickaxe

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how can you find iron ore in minecraft.

What does iron look like on Minecraft?

Iron ore is basically a rock that can be red, purple, yellow and gray

What can you use to mine diamond in minecraft?

You can use an iron, gold, or pre-existing diamond pickaxe to mine diamond ore or diamond blocks

How do you craft an anvil in minecraft?

place three iron blocks on the top row of the crafting grid, one iron ingot in the center of the grid, and three iron ingots across the bottom rowwith iron_________3 iron blocks (not iron ore)|__|__|__|1 iron ingot in center |__|__|__|3 iron ingots |__|__|__|

How do you get iron with iron ore minecraft?

You have to mine iron ore and coal make a furnace and melt the iron ore to make iron ingot. Update: THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!!

What do you mine iron ore with minecraft?

A stonepickaxe or higher.

How do you make steal on Minecraft?

There is no steel in minecraft. You're referring to iron, and you need to smelt iron ore in a furnace.