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Unfortunately You can't find a vaporeon anywhere in the game. You can however evolve an eevee you get from Bebe using a water stone. There are alternate Pokemon you can get from evolution:

  • flareon-fire stone
  • jolteon-thunderstone
  • glaceon-level up near the icy rock
  • leafeon-level up near the mossy rock
  • umbreon-boost it's happiness to the max and then level up at night
  • espeon-boost it's happiness to the max and then level up during the day

u can find flareon, jolteon, and vaporeon with a trainer around route 214.

Umbreon, leafeon and espeon with trainer on route 212.

glaceon with trainer on route 217

for more help filling your Sinnoh Pokedex head to

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Q: Where can u see vaporeon in Pokemon platinum?
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