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sometimes Team rocket wants to sell the pokemon they capture to make money, so they can fund those giant robots they always build and end up destroying. Other times, as with pikachu, they want to use the pokemon for their own purposes, like powering machines, being collector items for the boss or for use in battle.

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Q: Where are the Team Rocket Grunts in Pokemon?
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What are team rocket's name in Pokemon?

well there name is team rocket but most of them are ,rocket grunts,

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If your talking about the password for the rocket hideout you get the first one on mt ember where those two team rocket grunts are.

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Bring it back to the center on one island by talking to the guy in it. After you can trade with Pokemon Sapphire

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The first password you will get from 2 team rocket grunts at mt ember (after you get national dex). Second is in dotted hole at island 6 when the man working for team rocket who meets you near the sapphire

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You must defeat Giovanni, the boss, on the top floor and any grunts blocking the way to him.

How do you get beat team rocket in saffron city?

get your strongest pokemon and fight the grunts find the grunt with the elevator key and then giovanni has a rhyhorn a kangaskhan and a rhydon

How do you get the lift key in Pokemon LeafGreen version?

You have to battle all those Team Rocket grunts first. The Last One will drop the lift key.

Where can you find the first ruby exactly in Pokemon FireRed?

in the cave where the team rocket grunts are you need to beat the elite four first. good luck$$$$

There is not a hole get behind the two Team Rocket grunts?