in mission 1, on the tallest mountain, you must get special tools to get up there.
Case of the missing puffles is the first mission its where aunt arctic loses her puffles.
at the penguin play awards or backstage are the places you will have to stay a couple hours till you get an aunt arctic stamp!i have a video on you tube of how to find rockhopper and do the same thing in aunt arctics favorite rooms and you will be in the same room as her.
Go to the stadium, take the pics of the puffles and give them to Aunt Arctic.
Get photos from the ice rink and then give them to Aunt Arctic.
Talk to Aunt Arctic Go to the ice rink Pick up the photos Go to Aunt Arctics igloo Give Aunt Arctic the photos (you will get an award at the end.) Go to the pet shop Click on the note Decode the note with the "Ticktacktoe key" Go to the sport shop Talk to G Type in the number from the note in the pet shop Take the agent tools Go to the iceberg Use the life preserver shooter on the penguins marooned on the ice flow Talk to the penguin on his own Go to the Ski hill Fix the telescope with the spy phone wrench Click the telescope Look at the mountain Go to the mountain Use the grappling hook on the mountain to win the game!
They are on the tallest mountain.
They are on the top of the highest mountain.
it is some where on club penguin in aunt arctics igloo
black]penny purple]cadence green]eagle
he has 39
They are on top of Mt. Tallest, but you have to look for them through the telescope first.
you cant but if you are an agent you can do the mission called case of the missing puffles and you can go to her house while doing the mission
A birthday has not been announce for Aunt Arctic.
no one know what it is
penguin newspaper