Case of the missing puffles is the first mission its where aunt arctic loses her puffles.
To start a mission on club penguin you go to the P.S.A.
if your asking about the mission its under the orange couch in the mission on club penguin
go to youtube and type in club penguin mission 9 they will show you
Which mission...? Some are easy. Some are HARD! you cant do cheats on but google club penguin mission cheats
in 2020
Yes there is a secret mission on Club Penguin.
you have to break the sticks above him
it is the first one
I know! First check on youtube and type in: club penguin hot sauce mission. Or just add me on club penguin and i will show you. I did it by myself. I could show you others too!
in the mission
I am sorry, there is no 107th mission on club penguin yet.
To start a mission on club penguin you go to the P.S.A.
To see how you can finish mission #5 in Club Penguin, see the related links. The related link below will show you how to finish every mission in Club Penguin. It is called "Mission Guides - Club Penguin Cheats.
Go to the wilderness