Supposed to have some services back up I.e. psn on may 3rd but we will see see related link or question
nope should be back tomorrow (may 4th) They said they would start bringing the network up this week and the best information available will come from the related Sony Link
Go to the psn store then search dc universe online then when it shows up click on it and then press download
Either with a credit card or by buying PlayStation Network card from WalMart, 7-Eleven ect...and entering the code on the back of the card into PSN after signing in.
You can only do it on a japenese account, go on youtube and it will show you.
The PSN is the place to go for legal PSP game downloads.
No the PSN is down world wide
you need to have internet to do that then you sign up for psn and your there
Trophies do not go anywhere. When PSN comes back up it will update your records with all the trophies you earned while the network has been shutdown. It can do that because the trophies are part of your records in your harddrive
make a new psn user and and go to the place where you sign in on psn and it will say sign up for playstation network.
PSN will extend the time after the network is back up in early May 2011
psn will be back up never for people in California. Jk it should be back up
If you buy a game on the PSN, you can delete it whenever you want - all you need to do to regain it is go back on the PSN and redownload it for free.
Scroll accross to the PSN icon on the homepage. Click forget account and then go back accross to update then allow update. When the update is complete go accross to the PSN icon again. Click on Create a new account.
Yes, all games for the PSP Go have to be obtained from the PSN one way or another, so yes, you need a PSN account.
Services are to start coming back up by regional area this 1st week in May 2011
Yes, though PlayStation says they will have it back up very soon
no, if you live onpossed then go to the shopette and where the gift cards are look for one that has the PSN logo on it buy it and on the back your gonna see something really black, use a coin to scrub that of and there's your PSN code