you can only get it in hg/ss. it is an egg move for squirtle. you have to breed a female blastoise with a male wailord that knows water spout
Water Spout is an egg move however you will need to use Octillery in order to get Water Spout to be bred over to Squirtle so you can use a female Octillery as well as a male Wailmer or Wailord that knows Water Spout at which point you'll give it to the Daycare and then you will need to hatch a male Remoraid that knows Water Spout and then the male Remoraid that knows Water Spout will need to be placed into the Daycare with a female Squirtle, Wartortle or Blastoise so that you will get an egg that will hatch into a Squirtle that knows Water Spout.
Blastoise never learns Crunch. Blastoise does not learn Crunch, but it does learn Bite. This is when it is a Wartortle (or Squirtle) and is on level 16. If you have a Blastoise on level 16 (which is not really possible), it will learn Crunch.
a strong water Pokemon (ferligater blastoise golduck etc)
Most good water Pokemon. I recommend Blastoise.
blastoise learns hydro pump at 63
Water Spout is an egg move however you will need to use Octillery in order to get Water Spout to be bred over to Squirtle so you can use a female Octillery as well as a male Wailmer or Wailord that knows Water Spout at which point you'll give it to the Daycare and then you will need to hatch a male Remoraid that knows Water Spout and then the male Remoraid that knows Water Spout will need to be placed into the Daycare with a female Squirtle, Wartortle or Blastoise so that you will get an egg that will hatch into a Squirtle that knows Water Spout.
Blastoise is a huge Water-type turtle with a pair of cannons. It's evolved from Squirtle and can learn Hydro Cannon.
Blastoise never learns Crunch. Blastoise does not learn Crunch, but it does learn Bite. This is when it is a Wartortle (or Squirtle) and is on level 16. If you have a Blastoise on level 16 (which is not really possible), it will learn Crunch.
a strong water Pokemon (ferligater blastoise golduck etc)
on lvl40
Most good water Pokemon. I recommend Blastoise.
Well i personally think that blastoise is better because first water is more effective at fire and it can surf but charizard can fly
Im sorry to say that Water Spout is not a TM. The only Pokémon who can learn this move is Wailmer, Wailord and Kyogre. I wish Water Spout was a TM too, It would have been a very neat move for my Octillery. d:
blastoise learns hydro pump at 63
he will. Blastoise will learn hydro pump in level 44 i think.
Blastoise will learn the move Hydro Pump when it reaches level 60