Blastoise never learns Crunch. Blastoise does not learn Crunch, but it does learn Bite. This is when it is a Wartortle (or Squirtle) and is on level 16. If you have a Blastoise on level 16 (which is not really possible), it will learn Crunch.
blastoise learns hydro pump at 63
Blastoise will learn the move Hydro Pump when it reaches level 60
Gyarados cannot learn crunch by any means
blastoise learns hydro pump at level 44
Arcanine itself cannot learn Crunch from leveling. However it's unevolved form, Growlithe, can learn Crunch at level 42. You can also hatch a Growlithe with the move Crunch via breeding.
It doesn't learn Crunch at all.
Glaceon can learn crunch.
blastoise learns hydro pump at 63
he will. Blastoise will learn hydro pump in level 44 i think.
Blastoise will learn the move Hydro Pump when it reaches level 60
Gyarados cannot learn crunch by any means
blastoise learns hydro pump at level 44
Arcanine itself cannot learn Crunch from leveling. However it's unevolved form, Growlithe, can learn Crunch at level 42. You can also hatch a Growlithe with the move Crunch via breeding.
It doesn't learn Crunch at all. Not even through breeding or TM.
Luxio will learn Crunch at level 33 but you have to stop evolution at level 30 though. You can always evolve it to Luxray and it will learn at level 35 instead.
there is no TM crunch because I have ar and used all tms and HMS and there is no crunch but mightyena can learn crunch
there is no TM crunch because I have ar and used all tms and HMS and there is no crunch but mightyena can learn crunch