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Abra doesn't learn any attack moves until it evolves at level 16 into Kadabra when it learns Confusion. You can teach Abra some TM's if you need it to learn an attack move sooner.

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Q: When does Abra learn its first attack move?
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What level does Abra learn a new move?

The only move that Abra can learn is teleport, however you can teach him TMs. When it evolves in Kadabra at level 16, it learns its first move: Confusion.

What move does Abra learn inpearl?

Abra only ever learns Teleport.

Does Abra learn a new move before evolving?

No, it doesn't sadly. Until level 16 (When it evolves)does it learn a new move. The new move Abra learns is Confusion after it evolves.

When does Abra learn a new move?

when it evolves (lv.16 )(Confusion)

What level does Abra learn a second move in Pokemon emerald?

Abra doesn't learn any other moves, but when it evolves into Kadabra at level 16 it learns Confusion.

What level does Abra learn new moves on Pokemon crystal?

It only learns the move TELEPORT at level 1, but it is able to learn hm/tm's. It evolves into KADABRA at level 16 when it learns the move CONFUSION.

What level does Abra evolved?

Abra evolves at level 16 and after the evolution it learns the Psychic move Confusion.

Where can i find a teleporting pokemon in pokemon emerald?

Psychic pokemon tend to learn the move Teleport. Abra's default move is always Teleport and you can capture one in Granite Cave which is by Dewford City.

Can Xatu learn Sky Attack?

Yes Xatu can learn Sky Attack, but only by using a TM or talking to the move tutor. Xatu must be taught Sky Attack, it will not learn it by leveling up. I hope this helps you.

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level 1 but it deletes it's move to learn another

How do you train Abra in pokemon diamond with the only attack teleport?

In order to train an Abra that knows only the move "teleport," there are four basic options. One would be to simply leave the Abra in the day care center and run around while it levels up. A "rare candy" item could then be used to level up the Abra by one level, if the Abra is about to evolve into the functional Kadabra. Another option would be to enter battles with Abra, switch it out, and defeat the enemy with another Pokemon, and this would yield some experience for the Abra. The Abra could also be given the "exp. share" item while other Pokemon battle enemies, and this would also yield some experience for the Abra. The final option would be to teach the Abra some TM moves and then use the Abra directly to battle Pokemon and gain experience. Of course, if one only wants to use an Abra with the move "teleport," the TM option would not be a viable choice.

When does Magneton learn Tri Attack?

Magneton can only learn Tri Attack through the Move Relearner in Pastoria City in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.