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level 1 but it deletes it's move to learn another

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Q: What level does togekiss learn sky attack?
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What level does your togekiss have to be to learn Sky Attack?

Sky Attack is one of the starter moves of Togekiss,

What level does togekiss learn sky attack in pokemon platinum?

It learns it at Level 1. Yup.

How does honchcrow learn sky attack?

I don't think Honchcrow can but Togekiss can.

What moves does togekiss learn?

Togekiss can learn Tm's but from leveling up Togekiss learns none. He starts with Extreme Speed,Sky Attack,Air Slash and Aura Sphere

When does Togekiss learn Sky Attack?

You need to teach it via move tutor in Pastoria

When level Pigeot learn sky attack?

Pigeot does not learn sky attack at all.

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Gliscor can't learn sky attack

Where is the tutor in Pokemon soul silver to learn sky attack?

its in blackthorn city, the only Pokemon that can learn it is togekiss! Or some other Pokemon...

When does fearow learn sky attack?

he learns sky attack at level 70

What level does murkrow learn sky attack?

Murkrow can only learn sky attack through breeding. Breed a female Murkrow with a male Spearow, Fearow, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Skarmory, Taillow, Swellow, Swablu, Altaria or Togekiss. See for more information.

Is togekiss a good Pokemon?

togekiss cannot learn any moves naturally, it can only learn with heart scale(move tutor), it can learn extremespeed, air slash, sky attack and aura sphere, but it is a terrific HM slave, and can learn a variety of moves

What level does Lugia learn Sky Attack in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

Lugia learns Sky Attack at level 99.