togekiss cannot learn any moves naturally, it can only learn with heart scale(move tutor), it can learn extremespeed, air slash, sky attack and aura sphere, but it is a terrific HM slave, and can learn a variety of moves
No. But its final stage is awesome Togekiss. To get Togepi there have it battle but not faint then get a Shiny Stone then you have an awesome pokemon.
Buneary, Mamoswine, Pachirisu, cyndaquil, togekiss ( I have no clue when she will get Togekiss), and Piplup.
Togekiss is a Generation 4 Pokemon, so it's impossible. (That and the Shiny Stone doesn't exist before that Generation.)
togetic and togekiss
After Togekiss Pokemon number 262 is Porygon-Z.
there is no good egg pokemon but a chansy togepi togetic and togekiss all have a 25% chance of a good egg
Togebo is what i went with, it's the name of Gold's Togekiss in the Pokemon manga. My friend went with Jubilee, and I thought Kiss Me would be pretty funny too.
Empolian Probopass Magnezone Togekiss Tangrowth Gallade
You can't. Togekiss is a final evolution
A very good team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. But its final stage is awesome Togekiss. To get Togepi there have it battle but not faint then get a Shiny Stone then you have an awesome pokemon.
this is an amazing team, just keep their levels up at 62 and higher i would switch togekiss with giritina that's about it!
Buneary, Mamoswine, Pachirisu, cyndaquil, togekiss ( I have no clue when she will get Togekiss), and Piplup.
No. NeonGreen16