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(Well it depends on the level) Bagon/Shelgon or Linoone, Waliord or Sharpedo, Swellow, Vulpix/Ninetales or Slugma/Macargo, Manectric [Choose good moves and by the time u have a Sceptile all your other Pokemon should be around Level 35-40] I would start out with Linoone rather than Bagon/Shelgon because Bagon is only available after the 8th Gym [Surf and Waterfall Required]

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Q: What would be a good team with sceptile in it?
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Do you have a good team in platinum all Pokemon are lvl 100 you have Infernape mew Lucario Sceptile flygon and latios?

somebody out there probably has a party like that, yes

What is a good grass type on pokemon soulsilver?

I would say Venusaur, Meganium, Sceptile. Also there is Celebi and Shaymin as legendries.

What is a good non legendary Pokemon team?

Starters at lv 100. Try swampert, Empoleon, charizard, Megainium, blaziken, and sceptile! I really like my glaceon and riolu at lv 100 though...

What is a good team in Pokemon emerald with a Sceptile?

Salamence Swampert Swellow Sceptile Latias Blaziken Since Salamence covers dragon and flying nicely, you could take out Swellow and Latias and then bring in a Metagross, and also bring in some ice support with something like Glaile or another ice type from a different game.

Best starter Pokemon emerald?

Treeko(Sceptile) is the WORST!! starter in Emerald, because its weak and only learns 1 good move. Torchic(Blaziken) is very fast and strong and good for fighting the Pokemon league, and Mudkip(Swampert) is sorta slow but really strong. Grovyle is really bad. Sceptile is a little faster than faster Blaziken but so much weaker. Sceptile has low Defense, but the foe can't attack at all if Sceptile KO's the foe with 1 Leaf Blade(his only good move but it wont KO with 1). Treecko, Grovyle, and Sceptile have one type(which makes them even worse!), you can have 5 other Pokemon in your party to cover Sceptile's type-disadvantages. Swampert's and Blaziken's dual-types make them vulnerable to more types(which makes them better). you don't get 2 STAB types for Sceptile as you would for Swampert and Blaziken, you need a second STAB type. Overall I like Mudkip, then Torchic and then Treeko but Treeko is definitely the worst

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Yes that's an awesome team.

Is this a good pokemon emerald team?

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yes its a good team they sound tough together

Good Pokemon team?

A good Pokemon team starts with a good trainer, This is my team Venasaur-( my favorite ) Charizard Sceptile Blastoise Swampert Blaziken My team is: Scizor Gallade Milotic Arcanine Tyranitar Torterra Jelk jelk

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Salamence, Swampert, Metagross/Skarmory, Cradily/Sceptile, Flygon, Electrode

Is it good to have a Pokemon team with mewtwo Charizard Rayquaza Sceptile groundon and Kyogre all in 100Lv?

If the moves earthquake and Thunder are there then yes it is an awesome team!! There are!!!!

What pkmn team should i have in ruby when i have a Sceptile?


Is this a good Pokemon dream team pikachu buizel feraligatr Charizard Sceptile and you cant choose between these 2 donphan or sandslash please answer quick?

In my opinion I would choose Donphan

What is a good team to beat red?

well i migrated beastly Pokemon like sceptile and azumarill (on beastly levels) same with salamence and flygon but my team was sceptile,azumarill,mewtwo,ho oh,lugia,articuno and, moltres. I hope this helped cuz im only 9

Do I have a good Pokemon Team Tyranitar Typhlosion Blastoise Sceptile Luxray and Dragonite?

Only if you have the best moves and great power.

Is this a good Pokemon ruby team Sceptile swellow mytyana manectric wailord please tell you if you should change somthing?

its a good team but you might need a sixth pokemon..........maybe a fire pokemon.