Starters at lv 100. Try swampert, Empoleon, charizard, Megainium, blaziken, and sceptile! I really like my glaceon and riolu at lv 100 though...
the best non-legendary fire Pokemon since the 4th gen. and i mean that!
gyarados, heracross, espeon, torterra, magmortar, salamence. this team is a beast.
Well its not that good in stats but if you teach it some different moves it could be good.And its tranformation move is pretty good. But I don't recommend having it on your team because its many other Pokemon that are much better.(Im talking about non-legendary)
Depends on your personal preferences. Slaking has the highest average base stats of all the non-legendary Pokemon if you want to base it off of that.
Best non-legendary water pokemon would be Gyarados. Best legendary water pokemon is Kyogre.
Catapie at level 74 learn Solar Beam, hyper beam, extream speed and dragon rush.
yes and no yes because it is strong no because in real tornaments you cant use legendary pokemon use strong non legendary pokemon like a gyrados
the best non-legendary fire Pokemon since the 4th gen. and i mean that!
gyarados, heracross, espeon, torterra, magmortar, salamence. this team is a beast.
swampert , milotic and castform
non existant
Well its not that good in stats but if you teach it some different moves it could be good.And its tranformation move is pretty good. But I don't recommend having it on your team because its many other Pokemon that are much better.(Im talking about non-legendary)
mine is Excalivereveryone elses is DragoniteDragonFlyingDragonairDragonDratiniDragonTyranitarRockDarkPupitarRockGroundLarvitarRockGroundSalamenceMetagrossDragonFlyingSteelPsychicShelgonMetangDragonSteelPsychicBagonBeldumDragonSteelPsychicGarchompDragonGroundGabiteDragonGroundGibleDragonGroundHydreigonDarkDragonZweilousDarkDragonDeinoDarkDragonfor having high stats and being a Pseudo-legendary Pokémon
The best non legendary Pokemon, or the best Pokemon in general, is a matter of opinion that depends on your prefered type. Ask anyone and they will give you a different answer. However, the non legendary Pokemon with the highest attack is rampardos, who is not in emerald.
Depends on your personal preferences. Slaking has the highest average base stats of all the non-legendary Pokemon if you want to base it off of that.