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Well its not that good in stats but if you teach it some different moves it could be good.And its tranformation move is pretty good.

But I don't recommend having it on your team because its many other Pokemon that are much better.(Im talking about non-legendary)

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Q: Is ditto a good Pokemon to use?
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Can Ditto transform into other Pokemon on Pokemon indigo?

well in my experience ditto can use transform but it has no effect

Is Ditto good in Pokemon?

It depend one of my most favorite Pokemon is my shiny mew. It can transform and Im guessing you don't know how to get a mew so the closest you can get is with a ditto. For Pokemon that are weak to themselves like dragon, it is good to use but max out levels and speed.

What Pokemon other than the Pokemon Charizard can you mate the Pokemon Charizard with to get the Pokemon charmanard?

use a ditto, ditto will breed with any Pokemon except legendary

How do you get Ditto in Pokemon Dimond?

You use the poke radar at route 218to find a ditto.

How do you use copy Pokemon cheat?

just you will have ditto and your Pokemon and iwan you

What are the pokemon couples?

same pokemon with different gender(or you can use a ditto!)

Can you hatch a Ditto?

No because a Ditto can't mate with another Ditto Sorry

How can Ditto Transform in to anther Pokemon?

Use Ditto's ONLY move Transform.Note: only for the battle or until used on a different Pokemon

How do you get a pokemon egg?

You put two Pokemon of differenty genders into the Daycare. For the most results use Ditto, and the Pokemon you want to get an egg of. You can get an egg from most Pokemon, but not legendaries. You can use Ditto with almost any Pokemon because it does not have a gender.

What Pokemon breeds with paras?

you could use a ditto