Since Salamence covers dragon and flying nicely, you could take out Swellow and Latias and then bring in a Metagross, and also bring in some ice support with something like Glaile or another ice type from a different game.
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
Torchick is a good Pokemon if you train it right anything should work
Alakazam, Groudon, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Swellow, salamance.
somebody out there probably has a party like that, yes
Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, and Saphire.
metagross salamence flygon blaziken swampert sceptile
yes its a good team they sound tough together
Yes that's an awesome team.
you have an awesome team but you're using too many legendaries take latios out and put in a electrical Pokemon or a dark Pokemon because you have 3 Pokemon that are legendaries.
I never found one in all of the game so no. shush
it is a good team because it has good senses to its surroundings and has good strength to each Pokemon.
A good Pokemon team starts with a good trainer, This is my team Venasaur-( my favorite ) Charizard Sceptile Blastoise Swampert Blaziken My team is: Scizor Gallade Milotic Arcanine Tyranitar Torterra Jelk jelk
its a good team but you might need a sixth pokemon..........maybe a fire pokemon.
what is your team?!?!?!
no not realy you better choose you own team
Well I'm not saying this is the BEST team. But it is mine and I've beaten the league twice already:) So anyways here's my team: Delcatty (LV 42), Swellow (LV63), Machoke (LV47), Rayquaza (LV75), Sceptile (LV63) and Girafarig (LV41). Hope this helps!
Salamence, Swampert, Metagross/Skarmory, Cradily/Sceptile, Flygon, Electrode