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Q: What word starts with a k that describe a skunk?
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What word would describe a teenage guy that starts with k?

kinky kind keen

Words that describe a female that starts with k?

One word that could be used to describe a female that begins with "k" is kind'. However, women are much more than a word of group of words.

Describe yourself with word that starts with k?

Kythe to be recognized visit to get great advice!!

What is a word that starts with the letter K that is used to describe someone?

I would say "Kind". well, obviously.

What is a word that starts with k and ends with n?

a word that starts with k and ends in n is known

What is a sweet word that starts with a letter k?

A sweet word that starts with K is kisses (Hershey's).

What Mood word starts with the letter k?


4 letter word that starts with k?

4 letter word that starts with k

What is a word to describe myself that starts the letter k?

Not knowing you personally but assuming you are a person of high repute, allow me to offer a few adjectives that begin with "K:" keen, kidder, and kind.