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Nidoking is a dual Poison/Ground-type Pokemon.

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Q: What type is the Pokemon Nidoking?
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Related questions

What is the national pokedex number for Nidoking?

Nidoking is #34 in the national pokedex, and it is a Poison-Ground type Pokemon.

Which Pokemon evolve to nidoking?

Nidorino evolves into Nidoking.

How do you beat koga on firered?

you need to have all ground type Pokemon to beat koga i would say a a nidoking of nidoquenn you need to have all ground type Pokemon to beat koga i would say a a nidoking of nidoquenn

Can you breed a nidoking?

You can breed a Nidoking with another Pokemon in the Pokemon games. Any female Pokemon from the Monster or Field egg groups is able to breed with Nidoking.

How do you beat poison AND ground Pokemon?

A Poison/Ground-type Pokemon is weak to Psychic, Ground, Water, and Ice-type attacks. Nidoking and Nidoqueen are the only two Pokemon with this typing.

How do you catch nidoking in Pokemon HeartGold?

evolve nidoran(man) into Nidorino then with a moon stone get a nidoking

How do you teach nidoking the move thrash in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Nidoking learns Thrash at level 22.

Would a nidoking learn surf in Pokemon?

Yes, Nidoking is capable of learning Surf (HM03).

If you have a farfetchd 21 a nidoking 25 an ivysuar 27 and a drowzee 24 what should i get next if i am on the third gym in fire red?

no pokemon!if nidoking has ground type moves,use them against the gym leader.

Where to find a nidoking in Pokemon HeartGold?

you cant,you can only give a nidorino a moon stone and it will evolve into nidoking.

In Pokemon platinum which Pokemon can i replace Giritina and Gastrodon with?

Nidoking and Jolteon

What Pokemon has earth power in Pokemon tower defense?

nidoking and nidoqueen